As President of the Victorian Basenji Breed Association Inc. I am very excited to announce that the VBBA Committee has decided to support Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC). The Committee felt that even as a new Club with start up expenses, supporting another not for profit organisation would offer the VBBA engagement outside the normal scope of our Basenjis and members.
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“…..VBBA Committee decide AMRRIC is a very worthy cause…..”
What is AMRRIC?
AMRRIC is a not-for-profit, incorporated charity, dedicated to working with Indigenous people in remote and rural communities to improve animal and community health. AMRRIC has a Board and staff of veterinarians, academics, health professionals and animal management professionals who work together to improve the health and welfare of companion animals in communities. AMRRIC’s work is informed by a history of trusting relationships with remote communities, backed by evidence-based, best practice animal health programs. AMRRIC is focused on all areas of animal management, including dog health and welfare, policy, research, education and capacity building of all stakeholders.
AMRRIC is a member-based organisation. Members are made up of Australian and international veterinarians and veterinary students, environmental health workers, animal management workers, academics and interested members of the general public.
One of AMRRIC’s key objectives is to assist communities, Shires and governments to implement best practice guidelines and models into national animal management and dog health programs. With this objective in mind AMRRIC:
- facilitates dog health programmes in remote Indigenous communities, including desexing of dogs (both chemical and surgical), treatment of mange and intestinal worms, and consented euthanasia;
- develops education resources and delivers education programmes in schools and communities;
- trains and mentors local Indigenous Animal Management Workers in the NT; and
- assists with research.

A group of well socialised community dogs await their veterinary treatment which might include, general health check, worming, treatment of mange and/or de-sexing.

AMRRIC volunteer vets and vet nurses de-sexing dogs. Often work is carried out in a ‘makeshift’ surgeries like the one seen above.

AMRRIC conducts education in community including education for children. Their many programs including preventing diseases in dogs and humans and for the kids the ‘Be a friend to your dog’ program, plus many more.

AMRRIC volunteer vets preparing a dog for a de-sexing operation. Staff and necessary equipment must be transported into the community.
The effect of the dog programs is tangible, immediate and practical. It improves community health and safety, empowers the Indigenous community, and improves the health and wellbeing of companion animals. This work addresses an expressed need in a manner which is culturally sensitive and agreed upon by all parties.
AMRRIC does not support ‘culling’ as a single measure in controlling dog numbers although the dog population in many communities is greatly out of control. There is plenty of evidence to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of this approach. Culling has the potential to destroy relationships with dog owners and hence the future of programs.
The VBBA Committee thought AMRRIC a very worthy cause to support. Their work of reducing community dog populations has an impact on the numbers of dogs that could potentially breed with native Dingo populations. The committee thought that as Basenjis are a native breed, by assisting AMRRIC, we would in a small way, perhaps, help maintain our native dog, the Dingo.
For more information on AMRRIC, including on how to become a member and support their work, please see their website at:
Jan Robert
Victorian Basenji Breed Association Inc
Great Dogs, Great People, Great Things Together
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All images in this page remain copyright of AMRRIC. All rights reserved.