Today, at our Great Dividing Range event the Club surprised Karin and Robin by unveiling a BBQ purchased in memory of their girl Cheeky who recently passed away. Karin and Robin had made a very generous donation to the VBBA in memory Cheeky. The VBBA committee felt that purchasing a BBQ was a fantastic way to use the donation to the benefit of all members. Greg, our event coordinator, researched and purchased an easily transportable BBQ for use at VBBA events. Greg had also arranged a beautiful brass plaque in memory of Cheeky.
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Karin reading the plaque in memory of Cheeky
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Karin officially turns on the VBBA BBQ, supervised by Robin and Jackson, who is already licking his lips in anticipation.
Soon the smell of the cooking onions and beef burgers were making us all feel hungry. Karin had the enviable task of eating the first burger cooked.
The VBBA thank Karin and Robin very much, and we all look forward to many more beef burgers to come!